USPS: Implementation of First-Class Mail and Periodicals service standard changes – October 1, 2021

On October 1, the Postal Service will implement new service standards for First-Class Mail and Periodicals which will increase delivery reliability, consistency, and efficiency for our customers and across our network.

Most First-Class Mail and Periodicals will be unaffected by the new service standard changes. Standards for single-piece First-Class Mail traveling within a local area will continue to be two days. Mail traveling the greatest distances will be most affected, with a day or two of transit time added for some First-Class Mail and Periodicals.

We’ll make better use of our trucks and existing surface network to move the mail, relying less on costly air transportation.

By improving service reliability and increasing efficiency, we can keep costs at reasonable levels and help keep postage rates affordable for our customers.

For more information, visit the Delivering for America page for the First Class/Periodical Service Standard Fact Sheet at

Jack Su

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