Delivery Delay Notice for Germany

Dear Customer, Hello!

Reason: Due to the shortage of DHL supplier pickup capacity in DE warehouse and DEBR2 warehouse in Germany, it will affect the tailing pickup and delivery time, and the overall A-scan and delivery time is expected to be delayed by 1-2 working days.

Affected time: Starting September 6

Affected End-of-Line Products: All DHL Germany End-of-Line Products

Affected Region: Germany

Suggested Tailgating Products to be replaced: DPD Germany

The above provides you to communicate and coordinate with buyers, we will pay close attention to the movement of this matter and update the information in a timely manner.


Varcoh Support Team

Jack Su

I am responsible for the sales and after-sales support of Varcoh brand products. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at or visit Contact Us.

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