Global fast free shipping and 30-day no-reason return policy.
![7 Days Missing/Wrong Items Guarantee Policy](
When you receive your package, we highly recommend that you unpack and inspect the contents. Should you find any discrepancies such as missing items, incorrect items, or damaged secondary packaging, please contact us within 7 days from the date of receipt. Kindly provide us with the relevant product information (SKU number / order number / product ID) along with supporting evidence (e.g., clear photos of the package, photos or videos showing the received item and package weight).
If Banggood determines that the issue is not due to customer error (e.g., missing items, incorrect items, or incomplete products due to logistics issues), we will facilitate either reshipment of missing accessories, partial refund, issuance of a new replacement, or return and replacement, depending on the specific circumstances.
24 Aug, 2023